So, here we are, several weeks since the last update. How did I know you may ask? Well, Sarah, my sister-in-law, called me last night to inform me. So, I'll do a quick update.
Nathan is doing well. He seems to be eating and doing all of the normal things you would expect from a newborn. We will head back to the doctor in early June for his 2 month check-up. We've taken him to church two weeks now and he has done fine. However, today was his first day to make the Sunday morning service.
As for Nicholas, he is growing up more and more each day. He has 9 or 10 teeth now, so he is slowly starting to eat normal food, such as popcorn and poptarts. He also enjoys playing with Prancer. Actually, Prancer will sit on the floor and Nicholas will just run circles around him. Also, from my own observations, I'm thinking he will be able to break it down on the dance floor when he gets older. I'm in the process of showing him some of my latest and greatest dance moves.
Well, that is about it for now. Pool weather should be here soon, so that should be alot of fun. Until next time....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Nathan's Doctor Visit on Friday
Just to preface this, my sister-in-law claims that I don't update this enough. So Sarah, this is for you. :-)
We took Nathan back to the doctor yesterday for his check-up since he left the hospital. I told myself going in that if we had to go back to the hospital, then I was switching doctors. But to put all kidding aside, Nathan had a great check-up. His weight rebounded to 6 lbs, 10 ounces. His temperature was normal and they just did a visual to monitor his bili-rubin level. So, all in all, it was a good visit. He has to go back to the doctor on Wednesday for his two-week check-up.
Not to leave Nicholas out, we took him several weeks ago for his 15 month visit, even though he is already 16 months old. I think he is going to be tall and skinny like me. He weighs around 20 lbs and is 30.5 inches tall. He is still eating baby food and we try to slide him some "grown-up" food, but he usually just throws it in the floor. However, he likes ice cream and candy (he must get that from Jen).
As for the dogs, Maggie is outside and will remain there. Prancer still hangs out inside and tries to avoid Nicholas since Nicholas tends to think Prancer is a pillow.
Well, that is it for today. I'll try to continue updating on a more continual basis. :-)
We took Nathan back to the doctor yesterday for his check-up since he left the hospital. I told myself going in that if we had to go back to the hospital, then I was switching doctors. But to put all kidding aside, Nathan had a great check-up. His weight rebounded to 6 lbs, 10 ounces. His temperature was normal and they just did a visual to monitor his bili-rubin level. So, all in all, it was a good visit. He has to go back to the doctor on Wednesday for his two-week check-up.
Not to leave Nicholas out, we took him several weeks ago for his 15 month visit, even though he is already 16 months old. I think he is going to be tall and skinny like me. He weighs around 20 lbs and is 30.5 inches tall. He is still eating baby food and we try to slide him some "grown-up" food, but he usually just throws it in the floor. However, he likes ice cream and candy (he must get that from Jen).
As for the dogs, Maggie is outside and will remain there. Prancer still hangs out inside and tries to avoid Nicholas since Nicholas tends to think Prancer is a pillow.
Well, that is it for today. I'll try to continue updating on a more continual basis. :-)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We are home....
Well, we are back at home. Nathan was released from the hospital on Wednesday morning. After all of the blood work came back, everything looked normal. However, his bili-rubin level was still high at 14, so they checked it on Wednesday morning and it had dropped, so we were released to come home. I know that Jen was definitely glad to get home since she got about 2 hours of sleep per night at the hospital.
Nathan spent about 36 hours under the bright lights. Needless to say, when you walked in the room, you almost felt like you were on the Las Vegas strip. Below is a picture of Nathan "tanning." Notice the cool glasses that they gave him to wear. We head back to the doctor tomorrow to get an update on everything, and hopefully they will send us back home instead of to the hospital. Thanks for all of the prayer and calls over the last few days. We certainly appreciate it.

Nathan spent about 36 hours under the bright lights. Needless to say, when you walked in the room, you almost felt like you were on the Las Vegas strip. Below is a picture of Nathan "tanning." Notice the cool glasses that they gave him to wear. We head back to the doctor tomorrow to get an update on everything, and hopefully they will send us back home instead of to the hospital. Thanks for all of the prayer and calls over the last few days. We certainly appreciate it.

Monday, April 07, 2008
Nathan is back in the hospital...
Well, we went for Nathan's first check-up this morning. Needless to say, Jen and Nathan are still at the hospital. I'm at home staying with Nicholas. All at home seemed fine with Nathan, but when they took his temperature this morning at the doc it was 94 degrees. So, they waited a little bit to see if it would go up if we wrapped him up some more. Nope, didn't happen. Thus, we were admitted back into Keller.
They brought up an incubator and turned that bad boy on. Within 3-4 hours, Nathan's temperature was reading 98.2. Thus, that seemed to do that job. However, his bilirubin level was elevated around 17. So, now they are monitoring that and trying to figure out via bloodwork why his temperature was so low. Was it due to an infection of some type? Who knows, but we should find out more tomorrow. So, that is the update for tonight. Jen and Nathan are in room 409 at Keller. If you would like to call, the number to the room is 386-4409. L8r...
They brought up an incubator and turned that bad boy on. Within 3-4 hours, Nathan's temperature was reading 98.2. Thus, that seemed to do that job. However, his bilirubin level was elevated around 17. So, now they are monitoring that and trying to figure out via bloodwork why his temperature was so low. Was it due to an infection of some type? Who knows, but we should find out more tomorrow. So, that is the update for tonight. Jen and Nathan are in room 409 at Keller. If you would like to call, the number to the room is 386-4409. L8r...
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Nathan Reid Oglesby has arrived!
Nathan Reid Oglesby was born yesterday (April 2nd) at 4:22 p.m. at Helen Keller Hospital. He weighed in at 7 lbs, 4 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. As you can tell from the pictures below, he has a full head of hair.
We made our way to the hospital yesterday morning around 8:00 and after visiting labor and delivery and then going back to the ER to register, we then proceeded to labor and delivery again to monitor things. Jen was dilated to 3 when she arrived and was already having some contractions. We had the mindset that we weren’t leaving the hospital once we were here, so needless to say, I (Brad) was starting to wonder on what process they were going to follow. So, after another hour, they came in to measure her again and she was still at 3. At this point, I’m thinking that we aren’t leaving. So, the nurses decided to call Jen’s doctor. Fortunately, the doctor was close to the hospital so she just swung by to see Jen. Well, the doctor measured Jen and she was around 4, so the doctor decided that the baby was coming today. They hooked all of the wires/tubes up to Jen and the day began.
After 3 hours of pain-free contractions (thanks Doc for the epidural), Nathan arrived. Everything went smoothly until the nurses tried to get Jen up. It was time to change rooms and needless to say, Jen wasn’t ready. She decided to add a little action to things and pass out. The nurses put her in a wheelchair and just moved her on to the new room. It only took a few seconds for nurses to realize that Jen doesn’t do well when she looses blood. So, we got settled in the new room and visitors started rolling in.
It is now Thursday morning and I’m typing this from the hospital room. I will upload to the blog once I get home in a little bit. Jen and Nathan are both doing well. Nancy stayed with Nicholas last night at our house. My parents arrived yesterday morning from Birmingham and we’ve talked to or seen most of our other extended family. Thanks for all of the phone calls and visits. We plan to go home tomorrow afternoon. We are in room 282 at Helen Keller Hospital. The direct phone number to the room is 256-386-4282. Below are some pictures. Hope you enjoy!!

We made our way to the hospital yesterday morning around 8:00 and after visiting labor and delivery and then going back to the ER to register, we then proceeded to labor and delivery again to monitor things. Jen was dilated to 3 when she arrived and was already having some contractions. We had the mindset that we weren’t leaving the hospital once we were here, so needless to say, I (Brad) was starting to wonder on what process they were going to follow. So, after another hour, they came in to measure her again and she was still at 3. At this point, I’m thinking that we aren’t leaving. So, the nurses decided to call Jen’s doctor. Fortunately, the doctor was close to the hospital so she just swung by to see Jen. Well, the doctor measured Jen and she was around 4, so the doctor decided that the baby was coming today. They hooked all of the wires/tubes up to Jen and the day began.
After 3 hours of pain-free contractions (thanks Doc for the epidural), Nathan arrived. Everything went smoothly until the nurses tried to get Jen up. It was time to change rooms and needless to say, Jen wasn’t ready. She decided to add a little action to things and pass out. The nurses put her in a wheelchair and just moved her on to the new room. It only took a few seconds for nurses to realize that Jen doesn’t do well when she looses blood. So, we got settled in the new room and visitors started rolling in.
It is now Thursday morning and I’m typing this from the hospital room. I will upload to the blog once I get home in a little bit. Jen and Nathan are both doing well. Nancy stayed with Nicholas last night at our house. My parents arrived yesterday morning from Birmingham and we’ve talked to or seen most of our other extended family. Thanks for all of the phone calls and visits. We plan to go home tomorrow afternoon. We are in room 282 at Helen Keller Hospital. The direct phone number to the room is 256-386-4282. Below are some pictures. Hope you enjoy!!
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