The one question that I probably get asked the most now that I am a mother of two (Which by the way sounds so much different than just a mother.) is "How does Nicholas feel about Nathan?" Well, I can proudly say that Nicholas loves Nathan and the feeling seems to be mutual. Listed below are the top 5 signs of brotherly love seen in the Oglesby household since Nathan was born.
3. Nicholas: Our Little Helper. I was talking to Nathan one afternoon and said, "Nathan you need a new diaper!" I turned around and Nicholas is bringing a diaper to me-and in Nathan's size! (Remember we have two in diapers.) Now he brings me a diaper almost every time along with the wipes box. Nicholas also gets Nathan's pacifier when he is upset. He tries to stick it in Nathan's mouth. Nicholas tries to share everything of his with Nathan. His graham crackers, toys, sippy cup, even his own pacifier! What a good little helper he is.
2. Everytime we put Nicholas into his car seat he reaches over to feel for Nathan sitting next to him. He just touches Nathan's hand to see if he is okay. Nicholas then smiles and lets out a little giggle. It is just too cute!
1. Nathan was being fed on the boppy pillow at around 3:00 in the morning. Nicholas, who was of course in our bed by then, was sleeping but stirring a little bit. He reached his hand over and felt Nathan next to him, so he raised his little hand and placed it on top of Nathan's head. He just held it there for several minutes while Nathan continued to eat. My heart began to melt!