Here is Nicholas standing in front of one of his birthday banners. He was very excited about his party, mostly because I kept talking up the party all week. I would say, "What are we going to do for your birthday this Saturday?" and Nicholas would say, "ice cream" or "ball". This was really what he was so excited about, the possibility of playing ball and eating ice cream. Throw in a pop tart and Nicholas would have his ideal day! (For those of you not around Nicholas enough to know, pop tarts are all the child wants to eat. Sounds healthy huh?)
Nicholas got in his chair and waited patiently for cake and ice cream time. We sang happy birthday and Nicholas blew out his candle (with a little help from Mom). Of course right after the candle was out, Nicholas reached up to see where the flame went. He touched the hot wax before I could grab his hand. So we had a crying birthday boy for a short amount of time. He quieted down though as soon as I gave him his spoon. Then it was time to eat some cake.

I really don't think I have ever seen Nicholas eat so much of anything, even cake! He has never really eaten sweets of any kind, but he definitely liked the cake today. Maybe this is a turning point for our little non-eating boy.

Here are some of the party goers as well as a pic. of the giant pile of gifts. Where all all these toys going to go in the house? What gifts are even left for Christmas? Nicholas was very excited about the unwrapped giant ball that you can see in the background. Thanks Uncle Kevin for the big ball!
Here Nicholas is giving Laura Beth a ride on his new tricycle.
One of Nick's presents from us was this giant jumper. It has been set up in our playroom for about two weeks, but it was new for all the party goers. Too bad it was too cold outside to set it up out there. We would have had more room in the yard.
None of the little kids tried to jump in the bouncer. They all just crawled in and sat there. I guess that prevented some injuries!
Nathan's sitting with Grandpa waiting for someone to rock him to sleep for his afternoon nap. Thanks Debbie for taking care of the little baby in the house!

Thankfully Nicholas had some of his friends to help with the present opening. If not we would have been there all night! Nicholas began opeing the presents by slowing tearing one little piece of wrapping paper off the gifts and handing it to me. He would say "Thank you Mommy" and then go for another little piece. The Lawler twins and Clark finally joined in to show Nicholas how presents should be opened. I think all the other little kids thought it was their birthday too! They would open presents and then want to play with them. It was hilarious! Thanks to Erica, Brian, and Matt for putting together gifts after they were unwrapped. You made all the kids happy!

Nicholas and Aunt Sarah play with the car racer given by Aunt Carol. Nicholas loves to press the go button and watch the cars shoot off the tracks.
For the child who loves balls soo much, we had to buy him a ball pit for his birthday. I'm sure we will be picking up the little plastic balls for the next five years, but Nicholas, Nathan, and the other kids loved it!

Nicholas and Aunt Sarah play with the car racer given by Aunt Carol. Nicholas loves to press the go button and watch the cars shoot off the tracks.
Don't worry about going to Toys R Us for checking out the toy department, just come on over and play with any toy that you want. Thanks everybody for a great party day!