My first Mother's Day.

So this year was my first real Mother's day. Well last year we kind of celebrated even though Nicholas was not here yet, but this one felt real to me. It was a beautiful and perfect day. Nicholas was dedicated in our Baby Dedication service during church with many family members present. We will have to post the video clip since we did not take any pictures. You will see on the video that he was a perfect angel during the entire service (The other babies were the ones making the noises:) He received his very first Bible and the children's book title
Let Me Hold You Longer by Karen Kingsbury. If you haven't read this book yet, make sure that you do so with a handful of tissues. It is a sweet story recalling the "last times" in a child's life-the last day of kindergarten, the last time your child jumps into your lap, the last time he holds your hand while walking.
After church everyone came over to our house for lunch and a little swim time. (Yes the pool is available for swimming! Don't worry-photos to follow.) I received many special gifts, but of course the best gift of all is having a perfect, beautiful, healthy baby boy. I could not ask for anymore blessings than I have already received. As the old quote goes, Life is not measured in minutes but by a series of moments, and I know that my first Mother's Day is one of those moments that I will always cherish.
Here are my sweet gifts from Nicholas (with a little help from Daddy). A picture pillow that says #1 Mom, a Willowtree statue of a mother holding a baby (I love to collect these statues), and a homemade card.

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