Jen started back to school a few weeks ago. She is teaching 4th grade again, and seems to have a really good class this year. Nicholas is growing like crazy. Erica bought him an activity table, so he is practicing on his "stand-up" technique. However, he is starting to master that talent. I went in to his room last night around 2:00 a.m. and he was standing up in his crib. CRAZY!!!!
Nicholas continues to practice his "army" crawl. He tends to be attracted to dog food and any type of electrical cord that he can put his eye on. He also did a good job with his tan this Summer. He is actually as tan as Jennifer, and Jennifer is really tan. Of course, they will never tan like I do, but hey, that's not their fault. :-)
As for me, business as usual. I'm headed to Memphis tomorrow to help my brother and sister-in-law move into their first house. I plan to leave in the morning and be back tomorrow night. Nothing like a quick 3 hour tour. Oh wait, isn't that how Gilligan's Island started out? I better watch out!
Anyways, hope you enjoy the pictures below. They were taken on our annual Oglesby family vacation. This year, we made our way back to the Beach Club in Gulf Shores. Nothing can beat the incredible heat, humidity, and crystal white sand. Hopefully I will do better and updaing more frequently. Enjoy!

Jennifer and Nicholas posing in the sand.

Nicholas trying to figure out why I'm making him sit in the sand!

Check this out, I'll pull daddy's hat off and there is nothing he can do about it.
Dude, is that a crab coming my way?!!!I tell you what, the girls really "dig" me.

Here is the family shot in the sand. Is dad really that tan, or is that a spray on?
Hmmm...wonder if they will ever figure out that I put all of that sand in their bag?
Dad, why in the world are you burying yourself in the sand?