We first went to my Grandmother's assisted living facility. Nicholas was a little fussy, but we figured it was because he had fallen asleep in the car and had a little cold. We got a few cute photos there in all their harvest decorations before leaving. We then headed to see my Grandfather. Nicholas was not too happy, but we figured he was just hot in his costume. We visited there a little while. Finally we headed to my Great Aunt Jean's house. I knew it was getting close to dinner time for Nicholas and we had to go. Before leaving, Jean wanted us to take Nicholas over to her neighbor's house so she could see how cute he was. As I was walking down the neighbor's front steps, Nicholas let us know why he had been fussy. He vomited all over me, his costume, and the neighbor's front steps.
I got Nicholas and myself cleaned up enough to go home. I took his costume off to wash, hoping that his vomiting was just a one time thing. Boy was I wrong. Nicholas continued to throw up throughout the evening and night. Brad stayed home with him the next day and took him to the doctor. It was the stomach bug. The doctor said it would last about 12-18 hours. Good we thought, he might can go to the Halloween carnival and we can still go to Louisville.
Nicholas had not thrown up all day and we were getting him dressed for the Halloween carnival. Just as we get his costume on, he vomits again. Needless to say, we stayed home on Halloween. Our neighbor counted over 700 trick-or-treaters at his house, so our few pieces of candy would not have lasted long. We sat with the lights dimmed playing with our sick baby.
Thursday and Friday Nicholas was no better. The doctor said that as long as he was not dehydrated, the virus would just run its course. Brad left for Louisville Friday morning, with me staying home with Nicholas. By Friday evening I was feeling horrible. My mom called to tell me something, but all I remember is telling her that I was very sick to come over. She stayed the entire weekend to take care of Nicholas while I was sick with the stomach bug. By Sunday I was feeling better so I cleaned the house top to bottom to kill all the sick germs. Brad came home Sunday afternoon. Luckily he nor my mom got the bug.
Of all the weeks for Nicholas to get sick, he definitely picked a busy one. I just hate he missed his first Halloween. At least we got a few photos of him all dressed up before getting sick. Below are the photos we took.
Nicholas is adorable!! Ben also had a fun Halloween as a Monkey!!
we hated not seeing you guys! (although i only saw brad for like thirty seconds.)
i'm glad you're both feeling better. nicholas looks too cute in his costume!
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