Saturday, June 21, 2008


Let's see...where do I begin?

I've heard comments from Denver to south Florida that we haven't updated in a while. So, with that being said, here is your grand update.

Nicholas will be 19 months old tomorrow and Nathan will be 3 months old next Wednesday. Wow, how time flies! Nathan went for his 2 month check-up a few weeks ago and he weighed in at 11 lbs, 15 ozs and was 23.5 inches long. As you will notice, he still has a head full of hair, and it shows somewhat of a reddish tint. We are still trying to find out where the red came from. Below are some pictures from Nathan's first dip into the swimming pool. More updates on the family below the pictures....

Nathan trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

Nicholas and Jen taking time to pose for the camera.

My wild crew!

Jennifer and Nathan taking their turn to pose.

Nicholas loving the water!

Nathan attempting to wave!

As for the rest of the family, Jen finished her Spring semester of Master's classes. She is taking another full load this summer and will be completed with the program in November. Vacation Bible School is going on this week, so she is busy teaching 5th and 6th grade girls. I continue to enjoy having every other Friday off. This really just gives me time to cut grass and go grocery shopping.
We will be headed out in mid July for Columbus, Ohio to attend another family wedding. It should make for an interesting trip since we will be flying with two kiddos under the age of 2. I'll be sure to give you a report on that trip.
Well, hope you all enjoyed the update. Stop by again soon. We will try to update more often!