Monday, August 18, 2008

Much Needed Update...

Wow, I can't really remember the last time we updated this blog. However, there is a post in work that highlights our trip to Columbus, Ohio for Amanda and Rick's wedding. Anyways, this is Brad providing this update. Currently, I'm "watching" Nathan while Jen and Nicholas are down in Birmingham. Jen has a conference tomorrow, so Nicholas tagged along to hang out with Nana and Papa.

So, I'll try to update what's been going on the last few weeks. Nathan went for his 4 month check-up a few weeks ago. These figures might not be exact, but they are close. Nathan weighed in at 15.1 lbs and 25.5 inches long. Needless to say, he was in the upper percentile in all categories. Let's put it this way, Nicholas and Nathan will soon look like twins. Nicholas still weighs around 21 lbs, so you can see how quikcly Nathan is catching up.

Jen finished up her Summer session of Master's classes. She has two more classes this semester and will wrap everything up during the Spring semester. Jen is also going to be the head coach of the Sheffield High School tennis team this next year. So, if you have nothing to do on an afternoon this coming spring, feel free to come to the courts to cheer on the Sheffield Bulldogs. There will also be opportunities to help chase little kids around. (That is just my plug for help watching Nicholas and Nathan.)

Otherwise, things are rolling right along. I hope all of our buddies from the east coast to the west coast are all doing well. That's it for now!