Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Nicholas used the potty!

So tonight Nicholas used the potty for the very first time! He has not sat on the potty in several weeks (not really sure what that was about), but tonight he said he had to go potty. I asked him if he wanted to sit on his potty and he said yes. He made me take all his clothes off, not just the diaper. He wouldn't sit down at first because he saw some little piece of fuzz inside the potty, but after some cleaning he decided to sit down. He sat there for a minute and then started to go! He got soooo excited when the potty started to play music. (It is one of those musical potties that has sensors in the bottom. Wouldn't it be funny if all potties played music when you went? :) Anyway, after he finished he said he wanted to go again and hear the music. Of course he didn't have to go again, but he sat down and tried. I asked if he wanted to call Grandma and Grandpa to tell them the good news. He got on the phone and said, "I went potty. Music, music." I had to explain about the musical potty, but they were excited too! Let's just hope the excitement on Nicholas' part continues...

1 comment:

Chris, Kristin, and Emily said...

who hoo! what a big boy! we are working on emily now too...